We welcome you to our church family and pray that your time spent with us is inspiring and absolutely awesome. We also hope that your experience here is so filled with the life of God, that you will make worshipping at Victory a regular part of your week.

Located at 100 Wilton Blvd. New Castle, DE, Victory is a very diverse, multicultural, non-denominational ministry that ministers to the needs of the whole family. It is our desire to see your family ministered to and fulfilling the purpose of God for your lives. We want you to experience Jesus Christ and His life within you in abundance.
While you are here at Victory, we pray that you will experience Jesus in every aspect of your time here. We want Jesus to be the focus of your experience whether it is through the worship services, the Word of God, the greeters at the door, the ushers who seat you, or your interaction with the Body of Christ.

Most people come for the first time to our Worship service on Sunday morning. Some people come to Victory for the first time through one of the Outreach groups that meet during the week, or one of the many events that take place on a weekly basis. Victory is always a busy place with many different ministries that meet daily to minister to God’s people.

Please join us for Victorious Discipleship Classes to become a member.
For more information call 302-324-5400 or Email info@victoryexperience.com
Any of our pastors will be happy to assist in familiarizing you with Victory such as answering questions or showing you around. Here is a list of frequently asked questions that you may have:
New To Victory?
How do you worship?
The worship at Victory is very lively and a lot of fun. For the most part, everyone stands during worship. We clap our hands joyously, dance, lift our hands to heaven and sing with all of our hearts. The most important thing is that people feel free to worship their Lord and Savior in their own way. It is very exciting and inspirational. The presence of the Lord is felt in a powerful way and you actually Experience Jesus in your worship.
How should I dress?
No particular attire is expected or required. We want you to feel comfortable as you worship
Is there a Children’s Ministry?
Yes, when you come in the door, there is Victory Kid’s Check-In station located in the lobby. After you register your children and give them your information, your children are given a name badge. You (parents or guardians) are given a pickup verification slip. This is your slip to pick up your children at the end of service. See the Children’s Ministry for more information.
Is there a Youth Ministry?
Yes, 12 years and above can go to our Elevate Youth Center located across the parking lot in our GDC building. They will experience an awesome lively service designed for their age group.
What about nursery for my baby?
Infants and toddlers up to age 21 months may go directly to the nursery after check-in.
What happens if I need prayer?
Many times during the service, Pastor Gary will have an altar service and invite people up to the altar for prayer. At the close of every service, our Prayer Ministers are in the front of the church to pray and minister to anyone who desires prayer. We also have a Prayer Center open daily – (302)323-4996
When are your services?
Can I personally meet the Pastors?
Pastor Gary is always at the altar area after the service to talk and pray with anyone who comes up. Pastor Faye is always at the back door where she greets the congregation as they are leaving. Pastors Gary and Faye are very friendly and extremely approachable. There are also other pastors on staff that are available to speak with you.
What happens if it is my first time here?
You will be greeted from the pulpit and asked to raise your hand. The hostesses who are located throughout the auditorium will give you a gift. You then are invited from the pulpit to take your belongings and go to our Welcome Table in the back of the sanctuary.
Where is the Welcome Table?
The Welcome Table is located in the back of the sanctuary by the big orange sign. There is always a friendly greeter to meet you. You will be asked to fill out a visitor card and will then receive your free gift along with personal prayer. There is also coffee, tea, and snacks available for you.
What if I want to become a member?
Please join us for Victorious Discipleship Classes on Wednesday evenings at 6PM to become a member.
Complete 8 Unshakable Foundation CDs from our lending library located in the Welcome Center.
I want to be involved. What do I do?
Once you have completed the membership process we will ask you to complete a confidential volunteer application. Upon approval, you are then ready to serve in the ministry at Victory.
How do I find out about the ministries at Victory?
Just click on Ministries on the website or you can browse through our many pamphlets in the Welcome Center. Also, just ask us in person. We are always available to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.
Who do I call if I am having a crisis in my family and need pastoral care?
The pastoral staff and prayer ministers here at Victory are available to assist you and your family in whatever way that we can. We want you to know how much we love and care for you and your loved ones. Just call (302) 324-5400. A pastor is always available or on-call after hours to assist you.