
Singles Ministry hosts a Celebrate Love Luncheon on Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 1 to 4 PM

Celebrate Love Luncheon

Hosted by the Singles Ministry


Calling all single men and women of God!
You are invited to join us for our Valentine’s luncheon
“Celebrate Love”

Saturday, February 18 from 1 pm to 4pm
Victory Christian Fellowship,
100 Wilton Blvd., New Castle DE

Take a look at the awesome activities we have planned for you:
Praise and Worship
Buffet Luncheon
Hot Chocolate Bar
Valentine Bingo
Valentine Card Exchange
Funniest Valentine Socks
Masquerade photo session
Prizes and more

To conclude the afternoon, Gloria Godson, License Clinical Pastoral Counselor, CEO of Life Work Ministries, Author of “Single and Happy: Are You a Whole Single”, and ” I am the God Kind: Living in the Reality of your Identity in Christ”, will share a love message.

Don’t forget to Wear Your Funniest Valentine socks.

You don’t want to miss this event!!! Invite a friend.

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